среда, 31 августа 2016 г.

How to fix "Unauthorized (401): Unauthorized access to workbench."

 Unauthorized (401): Unauthorized access to workbench. Please check your credentials in WorkbenchConfig.xml/OCS. If problem still persists, please contact your administrator.


Change the Administrator password in the Endeca Configuration Repository and the Oracle Credentials Wallet immediately after installing Oracle Commerce 11.2.
Do this before attempting to deploy and initialize an application for the first time.


The new password must be updated first in the Endeca Configuration Repository, then in the Oracle Credentials Wallet.

Updating the Endeca Configuration Repository password

There are two mechanisms by which to update the password in the Endeca Configuration Repository:
    1. Log in to the Workbench, and a password change modal will appear.
    2. Submit a POST request to
      1. The following parameters are required within the POST request:
        1. oldPwd [The current password.]
        2. newPwd [The value for the new password.]
        3. newPwdConfirm [The value for the new password.]
      2. The following is an example using the curl command line tool:
        curl -FoldPwd=admin -FnewPwd=newpassword -FnewPwdConfirm=newpassword http://admin:admin@localhost:8006/ifcr/system/userManager/user/admin.changePassword.json

Updating the Oracle Credentials Wallet

The administrator credentials that are stored within the Oracle Credentials Wallet are updated with the manage_credentials script, located in the ToolsAndFrameworks directory.
    1. Navigate to the %ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT\credential_store\bin (Linux: $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/credential_store/bin) directory.
    2. Run the manage_credentials script using this format (assuming the defaults were used during the installation process):
      Linux: manage_credentials.sh add --user admin --key ifcr --type password
    3. Since the credential for 'admin' already exists, you are prompted to replace it. Enter 'yes'.
    4. Enter the new password.
    5. Enter the new password again.

If the above methods not work - delete the folder named _ifcr (which contains all your workbench settings/applications etc…) – under /endeca/ToolsandFrameworks/11.1.0/server/workspace/state/sling.
Once deleted – restart Tools and frameworks service – it recreated the _ifcr folder (with a default of admin/admin) and was able to get back into the workbench.

3 комментария:

  1. Thanks a lot! Deleting the _ifcr folder was a very helpful tip.

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